Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Let Me Drink You Please

NOTE: Received feedback that this post is VERY long. Cutting to the chase, would love to hear what song moves you. But please feel free to read the post if you have a couple of free hours.

It's hard writing this post because the topic I'm about to delve into almost leaves me speechless. And for those of you who know me, I hardly have a lack for words. But trust me, I'm so passionate about this one, words I will find (you may be concerned for my mental health when you're done reading this).

In 1998 I became obsessed with something (surprise, surprise). This obsession left me dizzy and breathless and foggy and craving more. It is a song that to this day, puts me in another atmosphere. Yes, this is one of the few obsessions I will have, hold and love forever.

Here's what I love about music and what you should keep in the back of your mind when reading this post. Otherwise you'll be convinced that I've lost it. Think about a song you absolutely love. The emotion you feel and where the song takes you. The connection you feel to the artists who created a sound that tells a story, a story that speaks to you. You feel this connection because the music is not just coming from a musician. The music is the musician - beautiful notes, lyrics and sounds that are pieces of someone's soul, bared for all.

So I've played this song over and over. I've dissected it and am amazed at the layers upon layers of passion. Dying to know the song yet? It's Crush by Dave Matthews Band on their album, Before These Crowded Streets. I LOVE this song. And for your enjoyment, or concerned pity, I'll dissect it for you. Note: The following analysis is expressly the crazed opinions of Vicky Cullison and is not endorsed nor verified by Dave Matthews Band and their affiliates. :)

Crush tells a story. If you listen to it 11,293 times like me, you'll discover that it is structured like a piece of literature, except via sound. There is an introduction, slow and heavy. It starts with a bass, thumping like a heartbeat. And if you turn the volume up loud enough, it's like feeling the song's pulse. A saxophone then comes in, inserting a jolt of heat.

The song then begins the transition to the body of the story, which is filled with bits of yearning and happiness. The string instruments begin playing beautiful long, whole notes and if I could explain yearning with music, it would sound like those strings. Dave Matthews comes in with the most believable and honest vocals, breathy and almost raw with emotion (which is even better when you hear a live version). Then with a combination of instruments, the mood changes to light and airy - the sound of happiness from being with the one you love, the one who crushes you. The song's body moves this way - back and forth with yearning and happiness.

The sound continues to build until it reaches a climax with an intense crescendo. That's when a string solo takes the lead and feverishly belts out some serious passion. If you listen to some live versions, the sax takes the song to its height. And let me tell you that LeRoi Moore isn't just playing the sax. That sound, that passion, is him.

The song then softens again with the conclusion. That soulful electric guitar combined with little flits of a flute and strings weave the yearning and happiness into a single emotion. THe song has come full circle. What exquisite storytelling. And I'm not even talking about the lyrics yet.

The song is called Crush and the lyrics seem to be about a crush, but it's so much more. The song says "crush me," like the storyteller has a yearning so intense that he wants to pull her into him. My favorite piece of lyric, "let me drink you please," likens the lovely lady to a basic necessity for survival. A tall glass of water he wants to take in in any way that he can. And the lyrics end with Dave Matthews pleading to let him hold his love always. But the way "let me always" is delivered seems like a plea for more than that, like he's grappling with wanting more.

Wow. Either you think I'm insane for over thinking this song, or you're a music lover like me who can appreciate a song's power to take you on an emotional rollercoaster (hope you are the latter). Every time I hear this song, my heart beats a little faster and flutters, my chest tightens and I can feel the emotions the artists feel. Fellas, just a little hint. If you let your lady know how she crushes you, how you yearn for her because her love is paramount to living, then I highly suspect the feelings will be reciprocated.

Unless you're a stalker and complete stranger. Then it's scary. And creepy.

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