Sunday, September 6, 2009

Hello Again, My Love

Yes, I admit it. I'm having an affair. I discovered a sumptuous sweetness last fall that I couldn't live without. Then suddenly, POOF, it was gone. I mourned the loss but resigned that maybe my life is better without such temptation and distraction. I thought I was finally over it, but this past week, I ran into my love again. Most people would try to resist, but my desire was too great and I dove in with wreckless abandon. Who cares if the relationship is unhealthy.

My lover's name is Pumpkin Spice Latte, Starbuck's most delicious seasonal treat. When I tasted it for the first time last year, I knew that I couldn't live without it. Then to my dismay, the holiday season ended and so did Mr. Pumpkin Spice. Oh the joy I felt when I found Mr. Pumpkin Spice again, my lost love. I came across it this past Thursday and I've already indulged more than I care to admit.

Every time I partake, I can't help but close my eyes and savor the taste, the feeling. With just one sip, the sweet pumpkiny goodness, warm and velvety, warms you from within. The heat first slides down your throat, then warms you from the core to your fingertips. I tell you, the experience is almost sinful.

It saddens me to know this love affair will cease come season's end. I will yearn for this latte, its absence making my heart grow fonder. But I can't jump ahead of myself. Mr. Pumpkin Spice is here and I will enjoy every moment I have with it. And I delight in the fact that when it's over we will be together again, the reunion just as sweet as the last.

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