Monday, September 21, 2009

The Universal Symbol of Connection

There is nothing I crave more than the human connection - an emotional bond with someone because of a shared common interest, whether it's an object, event or even one another. So how better to celebrate this magnetic gravitational pull than with the high five.

I know what you're thinking. The high five is dated, a thing of the past. Au contraire, my friend. Au contraire. Yes the "cool" thing now is the fist bump; even the President is doing it. However I beg to differ and offer this: The fist bump is not a true connection; the high five is. Allow me to explain.

The fist bump is when two people create a fist with their respective hands, then proceed to have those fists make contact. It is used to symbolize the human connection; however it falls short of doing just that.

First, the vehicle in which to deliver this accord is a contradiction. How can someone make a positive connection when the hand is closed AND is a fist, which is typically used for violence when ushered at a rate equal to or greater than a certain velocity due to a negative motivation? (violence=intent+fist(fist delivery rate≥certain velocity))

Secondly, you hardly see people with pure joy on their faces before, during or after the act of the fist bump. The fist bump seems to be accompanied with an air of coolness and a head nod.

To you open hand high fivers, I salute you. Or rather high five you. You put yourselves out there with all your vulnerability. You put your hand up high for everyone to see; open, just like your heart, for that human connection. The sheer jubilation on your face shows your excitement for the anticipating bond. And when your open hands meet, the slapping sound confirming contact, bliss overcomes you. For in that split second, you know you are best friends for the moment.

And if the high five attempt is rejected, oh the sorrow and humiliation! For that hand was held up high for everyone to see, and the rejection they did indeed witness. A fist bumper isn't vulnerable. The fist can be hidden or played off as something else because that arm is held low and inconspicuous. Or worse yet, if the rejected human requesting the connection is violent, the fist bump could become a knuckle sandwich.

Friends, hear me now. Do not be fooled by the fist bump, a fleeting fad. You want to make a real connection? Then feel the joy of a true bond that can only be delivered and consecrated by the open-handed, slaptastic high five - a universal symbol of connection that will never grow old.


  1. I high five you for high fiving my post. Oh, and I just saw a good one on Facebook.

    I didn't slap you, I was high fiving your face.

    (That statement is impossible because according to my post, a high five must be made with two open hands making swift contact, and only out of love).



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