Saturday, September 12, 2009

That's What She Said

Okay, people. I'm preparing you for a topic I will likely come back to over and over again. The passion I have for food. I LOVE food. I love to smell it, look at it, prepare it and most importantly, eat it.
So much to my delight, a couple of friends and I decided to partake in some of the best food Alabama offers. A very special kind of down home southern cooking. A comfort like no other. And after engorging yourself, the only way your body can cope is by leaving you in a blissful lethargic stupor. Sounds heavenly, doesn't it.
I am talking about some Dreamland BBQ ribs. One word. DELICIOUS. Okay, two words. Delicious and MESSY. Now, I know some of you aren't rib fans, but I'm here to tell you that you are crazy. There is nothing better than eating meat covered in a sticky sauce off a bone (refer to blog post title). Meat on a bone is juicy and succulent. Ribs are like sauce-covered manna from heaven. God put ribs here for us to devour, so why deny yourselves.
You rib virgins out there who are contemplating diving in head first, heed my advice. As delicious as ribs may be, eating them is not a pretty sight and preparation is needed. Here are my recommendations.

1. Only eat ribs with family and CLOSE friends.

2. NEVER eat ribs on a first date (unless you need a reason to quickly end the budding relationship). Ribs are a 10 date minimum.

3. Most rib joints have toothpicks. Toothpicks are not good enough. You must plan rib eating ahead of time so you can take floss and stealthily remove pounds of meat in the restroom. Otherwise your mouth will be semi-permanently full of meat until you get home (TWSS).

4. If you are already a food lover, be prepared to stuff your face with scrum-dilly-umptious-ness. Wear pants/skirt with an elastic waistband. Really. Wear them. No one will judge you.

5. Ribs + sauce + eating frenzy = stained clothes. Ribs are slippery so wear dark colors. You've been warned.

For those of you frightened by ribs, just give them a try. Unless you're a vegetarian. I'm not going to peer pressure you veggies out there. But for you omnivores, I promise that ribs are worth it.


  1. True story – Carrie refuses to eat ribs in public. She also refuses to eat corn on the cob in public.

  2. She's missing out. Meat on bone = awesome. That's what she said.

    You can also TWSS about corn on the cob. Just sayin'.



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